An Image of Utopia in The Scarlet Letter and Pleasantville

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An Image of Utopia in The Scarlet Letter and Pleasantville

In both "The Scarlet Letter" and "Pleasantville," there is an image of utopia, a perfect world that has been created and everyone that lives inside of it is happy with their lives and couldn't wish for anything better. Also in both utopias there is something or someone that challenges the "perfect" world because they do not believe it is perfect and thinks that it needs to be changed. In both stories those that cannot accept the change immediately try to attack it and stop it in any way possible. An outsider or a new member of the community brings passion and new ideas to the society and disrupts their view and existence of a perfect life. Passion brings on sin, which then brings on change and there are a lot of people that can't handle that change so they try to fight to preserve their way of life, the safe life, the "perfect" life.

In "The Scarlet Letter," Hester is the one who challenges the Utopia of the puritans. The puritans live in a world that is absent of color and everyone is hard working and is very loyal to ...

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