An Explanation Of Anka's Demons

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The demon appearing in shadows represents the darkness that Karen is hesitant to confront. She is very confident when asking to speak with him but then stutters when they are face to face. Karen describes the scenario that has unfolded with Anka’s death, stating that “I could swear I saw something or someone standing in the darkness behind her…” (Ferris). When she says “something,” she is referring to the demon. However, she also dares to say “someone,” venturing to the possibility of a person standing there. Karen is asking the demon to confirm that the figure in the darkness was one of him or another human being. The demon then goes on to explain that it was not a demon of his kind there, and that she has the knowledge in her already; she knows who was standing there and just does not want to admit it to herself. Karen even vocalizes, “You want me to wonder if Anka was murdered by Deeze…” (Ferris). Her voice trails off at the end of her sentence showing her thought. At this point in her journey, everything she knew is unravelling: she is no closer to finding out who murdered Anka, the paintings are no longer giving her direct answers, and she is beginning to accuse her own brother of carrying out the heinous deed that began the text. …show more content…

He says that it is the only way for her to find the answers to all that she is questioning. Just as she was hesitant in her thoughts when meeting the demon, she tries to shy away from this request; however, the demon does not take no for an answer. When Karen enters hell, and is thrown back into the real world, in the museum, it is a symbol of her rebirth. While there, she saw many faces of the people whom she loves and trusts, and this is her knowledge that she reenters society with: the knowledge that she can only put trust in herself. Everyone else needs

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