An Essay On Ivan The Great

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Ivan IV was born on August 25, 1530 in Kolomenskoye, Moscow, Russia. He was the first of two children of Basil III and Elena Glinskaya and was named after his grandfather, Ivan the Great. Ivan’s childhood was marked by total darkness, depression and tragedy. Only two years after he was born, Basil III (his father) died and unexpected death of a boil the turned into a deadly sore. Ivan’s mother was then the head of the throne, but only ruled for six years before she was poisoned by enemies at court and died. Ivan IV became an orphan at the age of eight, raised by sets of maid servants and advisors. As competition rose in the Palace for power over Russia, Ivan witnessed many acts of brutal violence. Living in poverty, Ivan Vasilyevich observed and listened to many beatings, murders and abuse frequently. The boyars (Russian rulers at the time) alternately neglected or molested him. Desperate because he was unable to punish his tormentors, Ivan started to torment animals, tearing feathers off birds, piercing their eyes and opening their bodies. At age seventeen, Ivan made himself the fir...

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