An Essay About Mikhail Gorbachev

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Heroes are everywhere, some are seen and some are hidden in the shadows. Mikhail Gorbachev was what seemed like an unlikely hero. He was born to a poor family in a farming village in Russia. He eventually worked his way up the political ladder in Russia. He ended many conflicts around the world with his neutrality and did the best he could for his country. Mikhail Gorbachev is a famous person who did important work, helped others, and has had a lasting influence in the world of being the person who diminished communism in Russia and made a treaty with the United States to eliminate intermediate range nuclear missiles.
Mikhail was born to Maria Gorbachev and Sergei Gorbachev in the village of Privolnoye, March 2, 1931. With all farms owned by the government, Gorbachev's father went to work as a combine-harvester driver. His father was drafted to fight in World War II when the Nazis broke the treaty with Russia and invaded the country. His father survived the war and came back to his family. Young Mikhail was an exceptional student and at the age of fourteen he joined the Komsomol (The...

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