An Election To Remember Summary

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In “An Election to Remember,” an article by Glen Greenberg, Greenberg discusses why this year’s election is truly one to remember. Early on Wednesday morning, it was clear that Trump had won the majority of the electoral college votes and become the 45th President of the United States of America. The results were delayed because of several key states such as Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina, were too close to call. By 2:30 A.M., Trump had received a total of 276 electoral college votes out of the 270 needed, while Hillary Clinton had only acquired 218. These results surprised many pollsters because many previous polls had shown favor for Hillary Clinton. In Trump’s campaign, the three most difficult goals were to convince …show more content…

Donald Trump is going to be our President. We owe him an open mind and a chance to lead.” She also stated, “This loss hurts, but please never stop believing that fighting for what is right is worth it.” Trump said, “We owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country.” Trump came into the presidency after a long career in real estate; he also starred in reality shows. When Trump and his running mate Pence take the office on January 20, they will confront challenges. They will have to try to bring the country together after an election that has torn the country apart. They will also have the traditional struggles of getting people jobs and other international issues. This election is truly one to recollect. First off, the candidates were one of a kind Trump having no background in politics made him a questionable candidate, while Hillary Clinton being a female had already made history by becoming one of the two major-party candidates for the presidency. Although Clinton had won pretty much every pre-election poll, she was still unable to become president. I suspect that the second time investigation into her email situation was her downfall. Because of the email crisis, she was unable to finish out her campaigning as she planned. It also took the attention off of the release of the video that showed Trump’s improper talk about women. I believe

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