An Argumentative Literary Analysis Of Ray Bradbury's The Pedest

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New Technology Takes Away Humanities: An Argumentative Literary Analysis Technology has improved drastically in the past few years, improving society a large amount, but what if these new electronics are not actually improving it but instead making it worse? What if all of these advances are only taking away humanities? Bradbury’s short stories “The Pedestrian” and “The Veldt” tell about technology in the future and what it will do to humans. Bradbury’s views on technology’s growth predict that technology takes away what makes humans, human. Granted, some feel that technology makes people even more human because “aspiration to grow and advance is innate to humanity” (Vishal Sikka, World Economic Forum). Technology allows humans to grow and advance. On the other hand, technology rids some human qualities, such as the need of human interaction. Melissa Nilles from The Bottom Line says, “Internet and mobile technology …show more content…

If people never have a need to go out, they never will. Bradbury wrote another short story, “The Pedestrian”, in the perspective of a man who dares to go out when everyone else is inside. “In ten years of walking by night or day, for thousands of miles, he had never met another person walking, not once in all that time”(“The Pedestrian”). New, advanced electronics may give people everything they need, keeping them inside and taking away any time outside. Not only can never going out hurt people emotionally, but physically also. “The physical act of going outside can do an awful lot to improve your health and wellness in numerous ways”( Staying inside all the time causes a lack of vitamins and minerals needed and lessens exercise which can cause a body to degenerate faster, overall causing an early death. If people never need to go outside they will not and they may become very unhealthy, and advances in technology may cause this to happen

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