An Analysis Of Ta-Nehisi Coates Between The World And Me

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In the novel, “Between the World and Me” by Ta-Nehisi Coates, Coates writes a letter to his son about his upbringing and the hardships Black people deal with in the United States. As Ta-Nehisi does, the knowledge he gives causes the reader to think deeper about the realities of Black people. Personally, three take-a-ways that I took from this novel are racism affects all Black people, the value of Black bodies in the United States and Black people will always be obliged to face oppression and must rise above it.
One of the sections in Coates’ novel describes a time where he visited a woman named Dr. Mabel Jones. This woman is very relevant to the novel because she is the mother of Prince Jones. During Coates time at Howard University, one of his colleagues, Prince Jones, was murdered by the police. One of the take-a-ways that I developed from this incident is that the prejudice and racism happens and can to Black people regardless of their status, fame or character. Coates describes Jones as an amazing individual who had hopes and dreams, yet his life was cut short due to …show more content…

Incidents similar to Prince Jones, such as Michael Brown, Eric Garner and Trayvon Martin, are prime examples of when black people were not seen as equals. To top it off, the justice system solidifies that belief when the perpetrators are deemed innocent. This just goes to show that we live in a country that continuously puts Black people and communities in predicaments that hinder them from prospering majority of the time. This made terms like opportunity gap and glass ceilings make more sense because they all stem from the same inequality. In addition, Coates makes it clear that this oppression and our battle with racism will never go away. In fact, Black people must learn how to rise above it instead to try and live to our full

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