An Analysis Of Persepolis

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Does the use of graphic novel help Satrapi propel her idea?
Persepolis the Story of a Childhood by Marjane Satrapi’s at first impression looks like an unsophisticated comic book; however the book is much more intricate than it looks. It appears like the author Satrapi uses a graphic novel style to add to the stories and supplement profound thoughts what words probably cannot express in novels: layers of visual intuitions. However, does the use of graphic novel help Satrapi propel her idea? In the comic book it seems like she really has propelled her idea.
The graphic novel is a book that tells the story about the childhood of an Iranian girl named Marji, while instantaneously attempting to display what the Iranian people are like in nature. It states the many actions and thoughts Marji has to go through during the histrionic and dramatic times in Iran’s history including the reign and the fall of the Shah, the Islamic Revolution, and the Iran and Iraq war. It also expresses multiple effects these dramatic events had on the families, mainly Marji’s family. To add to that, Marji g...

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