An Analysis Of Last Night 'By Sharon Olds Home-Baked Bread'

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Both poems, “Last Night” by Sharon Olds and “Home-Baked Bread” by Sally Croft implicitly direct a theme of lust. Lust is a very strong sexual desire towards someone. The poets of these two poems demonstrate a common theme within the two by using certain strategies. In the poem “Last Night”, Olds uses figurative language, imagery and repetition to revel lust as a theme. Croft’s poem “Home-Baked Bread” uses figurative language, imagery and diction/word choice to display lust.
In “Last Night” the subject of the poem is love, with the theme addressing sex as a physical interaction that is empty without emotion and love, in other words lust. Olds carries out this theme with the use of figurative language, imagery and repetition. From the use of

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