An Analysis Of Don Quixote By Miguel Cervantes

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Don Quixote by Miguel Cervantes volume one seen to created Thesis: Cervantes shows a major shift on role reversal, the emphasis on wealth and deemphasis of romance. In the part one we get started in the journey, Sancho Panza take the leap of faith that this old man will give him an island. The peasant believes so much on the words of a man seen to be so crazy he so focused on being an errant knight. Panza left his family for this promise he will get an island but how naïve panza it is because don Quixote should not be take serious he so loss in the fictional world. In the beginning of part one Sancho seen to be following Alonso thoughts if were law this probably due to the fact the don Quixote is a duke and Sancho what does he know about …show more content…

Panza respond ‘’it was lawfully as spoil of the battle his lord had won’’. Another example how Sancho when along with his lord madness. Sancho is just a peasant does not even know how to speak correctly. The moment Don Quixote promise Panza that island we see the he does not even know how to say island but he said ‘’insula’’, don Quixote correct him. In part one we see the Panza is a peasant that is greedy and unintelligent but in part two we seen him evolve to a different character. Panza is more like don Quixote in the part two because he demands what the master promise him and the housekeeper along with the niece do not want to let Sancho see Don Quixote because they think he is a bad Part II we see Panza asking don Quixote for salary and the when he gets his island that what he already been pay will be deduct from the island. Before he probably did not think about money but now he realizes that his family need money and the island seen far from reality. We would not expect Panza with a student of …show more content…

Don Quixote is a wealth man that use this wealth to buy books which happen to be about chivalry lead him to his madness. While the working class and peasant are working to put food in their table Don Quixote is reading all this book about knight and the need of adventure might as result of his boring life. In part I Alonso have sold acres of land to buy more books about chivalry which reflect that his willing to loss his estate for the obsession to read more about the errant knights. Since he has money allow him to go in his adventures. When will meet Sancho panza we can tell his peasant because of the way which he behavior and the fact he leaves his family for the search for an island. When Panza find Cardenio’s wallet he willing to lie to keep the money. Marcela has money but she does not want to get marry. In part II that emphasis of finance. Throughout part II that focus on wealth all get started as Sancho asked Don Quixote about getting a wage for his job as squire. Teresa asked Panza to bring more money and h might even bring a noble to marry their daughter Mari sancha. Chapter six there a lot of reference to status and the wealth man do not have qualities that great man. Sancho break down swear to be loyal to Don Quixote with or without payment (PII C7) Don Quixote tell his niece and house keeper about how honor and wealth can be achieving thought arms as well

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