An Analysis Of 'Catcher In The Rye' By J. D. Salinger

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Abigail Carp
December 14, 2016
In Catcher in the Rye by J.D Salinger, Holden Caulfield has trouble comprehending the idea of adulthood. He had to accept and move on from the death of his younger brother Allie, at a pivotal age, the beginning of his high school career. This hardship has forced Holden to grow up quicker then he would like to because he has to cope with his emotions and continue succeeding in school. In an attempt to reconnect with his childhood, Holden does everything he can to protect innocence. Holden Caulfield’s nostalgia causes him to protect both his own innocence, and the innocence of others at all costs.
J.D Salinger uses the scene when kids fall off the cliff to show that Holden is trying to be the

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