Amy Poehler: Gender Stereotypes

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Amy Poehler is a comedian famous for her time on Comedy Central and the popular show Parks and Recreation. Born in 1971 in Massachusetts, she has become a well known name in the comedy world and now has a net worth of $18 million.

Number Fifteen: Amy Poehler's Smart Girls Series

Although she is already a successful star and makes plenty of money, she also likes to partake in extra projects. Part of doing this involves her web series where she interviews interesting women and answers fan questions.

Number Fourteen: She Loved School

Her parents Eileen and William Poehler were both teachers. It's because of this, she says, that instead of viewing school time as a chore, she actually grew up having much respect for academics and enjoyed them thoroughly.

Number Thirteen: Her Ice Cream Parlor Job

All stars had to start somewhere. When she was in high school she worked at a place called Chadwicks, a frozen dessert shop. At the job, they wore old fashioned outfits and …show more content…

Later on this group developed into a TV show that aired on Comedy Central for three whole seasons.

Number Eleven: She Starred in 2 Movies That Premiered on the Same Day

This is a rare distinction that sets her apart from other actresses. The films Mean Girls and Envy both opened on the same day in spring of 2004.

Number Ten: Received Multiple Emmy Nominations

For all of her hard work on the show Parks and Recreation, she received a few different Emmy nominations. She not only acted in this show, but also did some writing and producing.

Number Nine: Archibald William "Archie Emerson Arnett

In 2008, the actress gave birth to her first baby, just hours before a Saturday Night Live telecast. Her second son came later on in 2010. We hope you enjoyed part one of our list of facts about Amy Poehler. Be sure to return for part two of the list, coming

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