Amistad Discussion Questions

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1. Describe the historical relevance of the following characters of the movie. (Joadson, Van Buren, Quincy Adams, Tappan)
In the movie Amistad, therer were several people depicted from this historical period. Joadson is an a freed slave and also a abolitionist who is working with Tappan who is also a prominent abolitionist from New York on the defense of the Africans. Quency Adams is the former President of the United States and he joins the defense after the Amistad trial goes to the Supreme Court. Van Buren is the President at that time and he overturns the court decision to free the Africans, causing the case to be sent to the Supreme Court.
2. To what extent is political self-interest motivating the defenders of the kidnapped Africans? …show more content…

The prosecution on the other hand,believed the case was a way to reaffirm independence from the influence of the Queen of Spain and, according to the movie, gave a supoort system for a civil war. This case could be utilized to unite the states and complete the American revolution.

3. The debate in court does not focus on the morality of the institution of slavery but of property. Describe the various positions in the courthouse.

In the Amistad trial there were various postions in the courthouse regarding property. In the movie, Spanish calimed that the Africans were “property” on a legal slave ship which was also linked to Cuba and the southern states. There were also two military men who claimed the slaves as their property because they said they had salvaging rights. Last, in the defense they stated that the Africans were not property because they were taken illegally from Africa.

4. In what way is the battle for the freedom of the kidnapped Africans a microcosm of the growing sectional conflict in

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