Amir's Redemption In 'The Kite Runner'

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In this novel, redemption is a key theme which is shown throughout the whole novel. Nearly all the characters try to redeem themselves for several assorted reasons by doing different things. This theme builds Amir’s character as he has a desire to make up for the events of his childhood and it was his fear of what it might cost him to get redemption derived all of Amir’s decisions which built his character. Amir coming back to Afghanistan is a major part of his redemption because him going to USA is basically he is running away from the events of his childhood and from who he is. He returns and rescues Sohrab from Taliban which Assef is in and symbolically rescues Hassan from Assef so he makes up for his lack of action all those years ago. When Sohrab enters the room, when Amir waits in Assef’s …show more content…

By Amir fighting Assef so he can save Sohrab is also a way for Amir to fight Assef for Hassan which allows him to redeem himself. When Amir describes Sohrab he uses some of the phrases he uses to describe Hassan such as ‘Chinese doll face of my childhood,’ here the contextual language is harder which reflects the harder circumstances Sohrab is stumbling upon. Amir feels that he has deserved the beating which helps Amir banish the feeling of pain and guilt since Hassan’s rape. By Amir standing up to Assef, Amir has found a way to be the man his father has always wanted him to be the fact that Sohrab was in an orphanage refers to Baba’s orphanage. Therefore, saving Sohrab is something that Baba would have done which Amir can do. This will make Amir the man that his father has always wanted him to be as well as repay his debts. Amir having a split lip has come to resemble Hassan making them almost like twins. This is a physical sign of that Amir has repaid his debts. Amir repays his debt in one more way: when the manager leaves he says to Amir ‘you people are a little reckless’, Amir laughs at the thought of someone as

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