Amir's Dreams In The Kite Runner

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Amir develops strength in his dreams after witnessing Hassan’s rape. Amir’s dreams convey a sense of reality. Amir has a dream about Baba wrestling the bear, which Amir is Baba. Baba was known for his strength in Afghanistan for defeating the bear. Amir had represented any obstacles Baba had encountered in his life, because in the dream, Amir represented Baba and Assef is the bear. “They fall to the ground with a loud thud” (Hosseini 303). The importance of this quote develops Amir’s accomplishments by saving Hassan’s son Sohrab from being in captivity from Assef. Amir has defeated Assef as Baba has defeated the bear. “Dreams tell us the truth about ourselves, and they could not be more misleading” (Phillips). Amir’s dreams come to terms with

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