Americas Most Overrated Product: The Bachelor's Degree By Marty Nemko

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In the article “America’s Most Overrated Product: The Bachelor’s Degree” by Marty Nemko, the author argues several different views on why higher education may be very overestimated. For starters, the author shares his opinion of what he thinks about colleges/ universities due to him being a career counselor. In continuation, The American Dream has a lot to deal with the situation of Nemko’s passage. For example, The American Dream for most people is growing up, all high school students hear is be good, go to college, get a degree. Unfortunately it all depends on the students, but others see benefits of other choices they choose to do. It’s sad to say, that over time the idea of working hard to get a Bachelor’s degree and the hope of actually going to school is not there anymore. Furthermore, for some people, when they think of The American Dream, they think of hope for bettering themselves and also helping their families. The purpose is about a Bachelor’s degree and how overrated it can be. Colleges and most universities are actually business, and they only want …show more content…

He states that, “Such students are not aberrations. Today amazingly, a majority of students whom colleges admit are grossly underprepared” (Nemko 524). Which only shows that not everyone is ready for college like how they say and think they actually are. In continuation, Nemko jots down all his opinion on how he feels and what trying to get a bachelor’s degree is like. He then brings out even if someone gets their bachelor’s degree that person can still graduate and work a job that a high school dropout would be working. Only showing the readers that getting a degree may be an overstatement due to what would be happening after they finish college. In addition, Nemko’s purpose was to show the readers that going to college and trying to get a degree may not be worth all the

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