America's Derogatory Duty

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Does upholding the duties of being an American citizen in today’s diverse society simply mean paying your taxes, voting, obeying laws or serving on jury? Being an American is not just limited to these certain responsibilities, because being an American comes with a much more extensive baggage than what you expect. To be a leader and citizen of America today, means constantly aiming to attain change and better the conditions of everyone. It is a country that is prone to changes, advancements and regression.We have to always find ways to ensure that the American dream is a reality, not just an empty promise. Our obligatory duty is to understand American is a unique brand that not only emcompasses a specific or dominant culture or race, it is …show more content…

Similarly to what Abraham Lincoln said in his speech during the 1858, Illinois Republican Senate Race “ a house divided against itself cannot stand” (Lincoln). America is divided as of now, over the long matter of African-Americans. Police aggression has reached if not passed it’s peak, specifically towards Blacks. Police officers are using a derogatory approach, racial profiling, for apprehending people based on what they look like; skin color. Racial profiling has now led a lot of people to live in worry, categorizing members of certain communities to be suspects and criminals.Now the force that was created for the purpose of protecting the people, serving justice on a silver platter, and ensuring to maintain order in our society has crumbled furiously. This department has become the epitome of fear in our American Society. How can we ensure equal protection under the law, when a sector of the law is undermining and infringing on the rights of individuals? So we have to be advocates for change, or else the system will slowly dissolve and lose to uphold its legacy. We have to understand that as Americans of today’s society, we to be tolerant and open minded rather than being opinionated. Be able to detect a wrong act, without situating an individual into a stereotypical …show more content…

Nonetheless the American system is hindering that declaration. College has become so expensive, that many are opting out, or not even considering the thought. Many cannot afford the chance to go to college, because just a glance could scare the life out of you. Even though politicians are fighting to ensure that community colleges will become affordable for students, but it is in slow process. Americans have to assure that the youth nurtures the ideology that they can be what they want, but with a fight. The land of opportunities does not just grant them randomly, but to those that decide to take action. Also, to be leader means taking leadership roles, motivating not only the youth but everyone to be tolerant. When hit with adversity, it is our reaction that determines the outcome. Our reaction to the LGBT community, has to be the promotion of love and acceptance regardless of sexuality. We can only be the voice of tomorrow, if we speak up today. The youth has to be advised into becoming the leaders of tomorrow, by upholding the right of ‘ the pursuit of happiness’ for

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