America's Becoming Less Tolerant in 1920s

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America's Becoming Less Tolerant in 1920s

This essay is going to talk about whether or not America became less

tolerant in the 1920s. It will include:

· The immigration change

· The KKK,

· The 'Red Scare'

· Palmer Raids and

· The Sacco and Vanzetti trial

· Christian revivalism and

· The 'Monkey Trial'.

America had had an 'open door' policy towards immigration, but from

1917 onwards the door began to close. In 1917 an immigration law

introduced a literacy test. This test discriminated against people

from poorer countries such as Europe and Asia as they would not be

able o afford to learn English in their own country. But after a while

this test began to fail as immigrates relatives that had already got

in to America who had taken the literacy test told them what the test

said in their language so they could then learn it in English. So in

1921 the immigration quota act was introduced which limited the number

of immigrates allowed into the USA to 357,000 each year. It also

stated that the number of people emigrating from any country should

not exceed 3% of the number from that country already living in

America. This quota system also worked in favour of people from

Western and Northern Europe as they made up a large percentage of the

immigrates in 1910. Three years after that in 1924 the number of

immigrates was reduced to 2% of the population in 1890 and in 1929 the

number of immigrates that emigrated to America was reduced to 150,000.

Between 1920 and 1925 five million members joined the Ku Klux Klan.

The Klan was at its strongest in the southern states because there was

a large population of black people there. During this period black

people were beaten till bleeding, whipped with branches, left to catch

pneumonia and flogged. The blacks would be beaten for reasons as

little as not selling their land to a white woman, even white people

were beaten, and this was because they were divorced.

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