American Sniper Thesis

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American Sniper American Sniper is the autobiography of Chris Kyle. Chris Kyle is Navy SEAL sniper who has 160 confirmed kills during his military career. Even to this day that number has made him the most deadly sniper in American History. By his fellow friends and SEALs he was known as a “legend”, and he was feared by enemies. Not only was he a sniper but he was also a husband and a loving father.

Chris Kyle grew up in Odessa, Texas. He was raised into a ranching family and was devoted to farming. He had a knack for breaking in horses. Using those skills he began to ride broncos in various rodeo competitions. Growing up on a farm he was familiar with the manual labor that he would be so used to later on in his military career. From a very young age he was very good at shooting and taking care of guns. He even remembers starting off on a BB gun until his parents finally upgraded him to 30-06 bolt-action rifle. From that point on he became a gif fan of guns and even started a collection.

Kyle approaches the topic of his military career willingly and is pound to be a Navy SEAL in Iraq. Kyle is big on brotherhood and stress it all the time. To Chris, being a solid is all about manhood. During the SEAL initiations he talking about how there were routine beatings and hazing. Kyle does not see these things as bad things but …show more content…

He continuously tells stories of their evils, labeling them as “savages”. “They hated us because we weren’t Muslim. They wanted to kill us... The insurgents didn’t worry about ROEs (rules-of-engagement) or court-martials. If they had the advantage, they would kill any Westerner they could find, whether they were soldiers or not” (98). Kyle never had any problems distancing himself from his enemy and didn't have a problem making jokes about the people he is killing, saying, “cheap thrills in Iraq were priceless” (76). Chris Kyle hated his enemies deeply and did not care about

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