American Sniper Movie Review Essay

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Comparing “American Sniper’ Reviews The movie “American Sniper,” based on Chris Kyle bestselling book by the same name, received wide ranging reviews from critics. Chris Kyle is considered the deadliest sniper in American history earning him the nickname “The Legend” by other soldiers. The movie takes place around the politically polarizing Iraq war. The Director of “American Sniper,” Clint Eastwood , was a speaker at the 2012 Republican National Convention. The many polarizing factors surrounding this movie might make it difficult for would be movie goers to get an accurate review of the movie itself. Comparing movie reviews for overall tone, level of detail about the movie, and its usefulness may present a clearer picture for would
2014 New Yorker magazine), that is more political statements about the war, people involved in the war with personal attacks on all the above. As an example, the first line of his review that sets the tone, “ Spouting off to an empty chair at the 2012 Republican National Convention, Clint Eastwood looked as if were slipping into doddering dementia.” Edelstein, David New Yorker Magazine December 12th, 2014. Vulture web. February 5th, 2016. Right away I knew this would be a movie review through the lens of his political beliefs. Edelstien called it a propaganda film, further alluding to the fact that a lot of American soldiers killed innocent people in Iraq and were never held accountable. You could sum up this reviewers review in two quotes “this movie is scandalously blinkered” and “it’s a republican platform movie.” Not only did I not find this review helpful, I felt assaulted by political viewpoints and personal attacks on anyone or anything that would have a different opinion. There was very little review of the movie or those involved based on performances, and what was there seemed to get lost in Mr. Ebelstien’s rants. I did not find this movie review helpful, Edelstien does not provide a review of the movie but a rant based on his personal beliefs surrounding this movie.

Edelstien, David “Clint Eastwood turns American Sniper into Republican Platform Movie” New Yorker magazine 29 Dec. 2014

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