American Minorities: Film Analysis

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I am judgmental. You are judgmental. Everyone is a little judgmental whether they are aware of it or not. This class, American Minorities has most definitely opened my eyes to what I have heard about but never really seen for myself. Learning about different cultures and realizing that there are people who think and see things different than me has brought me great knowledge in understanding why I should be much more grateful to how privileged I am. Developing cultural sensitivity requires, becoming self-aware, becoming conscious of one’s own biases and to learn about and become sympathetic to those who are different. I don’t think I was ever more self-aware until I was in class hearing about how African Americans face unfair treatment and watching videos on how that is true and looking at the statistics, that is …show more content…

individualism, masculine v. famine and high uncertainty v. low uncertainty. When we watched the movie outsourced we learned that Todd was more from individualism and the people he met in India were more collectivism because they liked to help each other and never liked to be alone, there was no rule of personal space. Todd’s boss was more about paying less and he didn’t care about having to fire people, when Todd went to India and you could tell that the US is more masculine compared to India. Todd’s boss would tell him he didn’t want to be without no job and basically make him feel low to where he would take the job and make money, his boss portrayed high uncertainty tolerance. When Todd arrived in India he was being judgmental right off the back but the longer he stayed there and he started to accept India’s values and standards the easier it was for him to stay there and begin to like it. Once you get past your judgmental state you realize how much more fun and easier everything is for you to begin to accept and like the idea of another

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