American Exceptionalism: US National Identity

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Although the term exceptionalism did not originate in America, it is a term which could be applied directly to American culture. Originally used as a term to show the superiority of the U.S. to Europe, exceptionalism is a term that is a huge part of American culture. “American exceptionalism is thus the notion that the United States was born in, and continues to embody, qualitative differences from other nations. Understanding other nations will not help in understanding it; understanding it will only mislead in understanding them” (Shaffer 446).The concept of exceptionalism relates to the superiority of America and how it stands alone as one of the only world super powers. Exceptionalism does not have one central definition, it relates to …show more content…

national identity” (Pease 109). “American exceptionalism comes from our freedom. It began with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but that was only the beginning. We also enjoy freedom of religion, freedom of the press, the right to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. No other nation has given so much freedom or enumerated them so clearly. The United States has done more to provide for individual freedom than any other country in history. No wonder so many want to call the United States home” (Hutchison). The concept of exceptionalism has evolved from a contrast and superiority to Europe which was a society where much depends on your origins, to a new world where through struggles of the past and liberation anything is possible and freedom widely available. While the concept of exceptionalism could be applied to other nations, America embodies the characteristics most predominantly and effectively through the core beliefs, American ideals and its …show more content…

“While national identity in most countries is cultural, a function of language and other traditions, America's sense of its identity is also crucially tied to principles, those of the Declaration of Independence with its emphatic statement of self-evident truths about human equality and rights grounded in nature and natures God” (Lewis). The Declaration of Independence is a document fundamental to American culture, paving the way for the Civil Rights Movement and the movement towards acceptance and freedom for all. “America's sense of its identity is also crucially tied to principles, those of the Declaration of Independence with its emphatic statement of self-evident truths about human equality and rights grounded in nature and natures God” (Lewis). Superiority and the need for excellence are what American beliefs often relate to because of the plan God has. Samuelson argues that America is a land of opportunity and is exceptional because of the opportunities

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