American Dream Obstacles

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The American Dream is important because it's a long term goal. A dream that will only come true with hard work and dedication. This is most relevant to people , because it's a dream that be can be achieve. It doesn't matter if you just drop the ball or just let your dream go. Keep working hard and go for it. There was this young man that wanting a scholarship for basketball, so he can play pro ball. But this young man can't afford to go to college. So this young man have been working at his job and his grades. One day after the a basketball game his coach told him, he received a full scholarship from Duke, Kentucky, Kansas, North Carolina, Louisville, and Michigan State. After think it over this young man decided to follow his dream and …show more content…

Some obstacles maybe blacks being stop from getting a job. Whit are most likely to receive a job the a african american. “At first, this gradual, phased-in remedy even avoided "bumping" from their jobs clearly unqualified whites who had leaped over more qualified African Americans.” “In 1954, the earliest year for which the Bureau of Labor Statistics has consistent unemployment data by race, the whites rate averaged 5% and the black rate averaged 9.9%.” “One common explanation, as William A. Darity Jr. of Duke University told Salon in 2011, is that blacks are “the last to be hired in a good economy, and when there’s a downturn, they’re the first to be released.” These facts show us that it's true the whites are more qualified, and the unemployment rate for african american is high then the …show more content…

The traditional American Dream was to own a house, be married, and have kids. This was a goal that everyone strive for. That give people an idea of there own american dream. “ The term “American dream” is an idea that suggests that anyone in the US can succeed through hard work and has the potential to lead a happy, successful life. ” This show that they had to work hard for what they got. “Being married, having two children and living in a three-bedroom home with a white picket fence.”Rather than being based on great wealth or success, this version of the dream might be based more on avoiding things such as poverty and loneliness. This fact this show w the american dream was in the

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