American Dream Failure

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American Dream The American Dream is achievable for all, but only for those who works for it would be able to achieve the american dream. It is attainable for the people that has motivation to be successful in life and would like to have a better life. Some people struggle to achieve american dream by not doing what they are supposed to do to get where they want to be. These includes lazy people who do not give effort to achieve their american dream. There are many different types of perspective about american dream. Some people believe that american dream is just owning a home comfortably. But for me american dream is reaching my full potential in life buy whatever I want without worrying about how much money I spend. The american dream is having a economic growth and rising standards of living, equality of opportunity, economic mobility and the availability and creation of jobs that will adequately provide …show more content…

People who do not get successful in life are those who do not try to work hard for themselves. Life has so many opportunity and those who do not grasp the opportunity would not be successful in life. In order to have a good grades you have to work for it and for those who does not have good grades does not work to have a good grades. It is like life if you do not work yourself to be successful you would not get successful person. For me I think for those people who believes that american dream is not achievable anymore are those who lost motivation in life to get successful. But if you keep pushing yourself to achieve your goal and to step by step do what you need to do to achieve that goal. People who lost motivation in life are those people who been failed before and gave up in their dreams but I believe that those people who did not give up on their dreams did achieve their goals in

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