American Deaf Culture

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American deaf culture is a vibrant, living culture that is very sadly overlooked much of the time. It is very common for people to take the 'pathological approach' to deaf people, which is an approach that views deafness as a problem that must be cured and believes that deaf people should do what they can to fit in with the regular hearing society. However, most deaf people strongly disagree with this approach because they see themselves and their society as a culture. The deaf people in this culture do not view their deafness as a problem and many would refuse a cure if it was offered. Deaf people have their own literature, jokes, stories, language, greetings and really anything that any other culture has. Greetings and gestures in American deaf culture revolve around visual and sensory input. A large wave would be the equivalent of saying hi and generally indicates a desire to talk. In situations where a one needs to get the attention of a deaf person, a gentle tap on the shoulder is considered polite, while moving ones hand in front of a deaf person's face in order to get their...

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