Overview of the American Civil War: Factors and Consequences

645 Words2 Pages

Youssef Tarek Saad Makram
Student No. 1473

American Wars
(Civil War)

American Wars
(Civil War)

Civil War, 2014, A Brief Overview of the American Civil War, A Defining Time in Our Nation's History, Dr. James McPherson, 2 June 2016, http://www.civilwar.org/education/history/civil-war-overview/overview.html
How the civil war had begun?
• The main reason
• The parties of the war
• Dates
• President Abraham Lincoln was elected

History, 2016, American Civil War History, 2 June 2016, http://www.history.com/topics/american-civil-war/american-civil-war-history

What was the structure of the Southern and Northern Armies?
• Ages of soldiers
• Total numbers of soldiers in both armies
• Black people had joined the Union army.
• Number
During the period from 1776 to 1783, the revolution was created in United States. After which the civil war took place in 1861-1865. This war was important to specify whether US will continue as a confederate of ruler state or an individual nation with ruler national government. The decision to treat men equally and that all has the right to liberty had to be taken.
The conflict started between the northern and Sothern United States in the spring of 1861. There were three main issues. Most important issue was states’ rights against Federal Authority and another one was slavery. The American had started in 1861 and ended 1865. Seven southern states decided to form the confederate state of America. That was after the election of President Abraham Lincoln in 1860. Abraham Lincoln was antislavery Republican.
The union army consisted from young white men who were born in North America, the age range of the soldiers started from 18 to 45 years old. President Lincoln stated at the end of 1862 that colored people were set fee. And can join the Union Army. The soldiers in the Confederate army were under 30 years old. Most of the soldiers in both armies worked as carpenter, farmers, chiefs, students, blacksmith, engineers, hairdressers, etc. The total number of soldiers who fought in the civil war was 2.4 million soldiers. About 620,000 soldier hade died during the war. Almost 186,000 black soldiers had joined the Union Army. From which about 40,000 had

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