American Cancer Association Research Paper

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American Cancer Association

“There is a can in Cancer because we CAN beat it.” There are more than 100 cancers in world they can be caused in many different ways. It can sometimes be caused by smoking or obesity. Once stated by someone “ no matter how good or bad you think life is, wake up each day and be... Thankful for life. Someone somewhere else is fighting to survive.” I believe money should go to the American Cancer Association because some cancers can’t be cured, we need a cure, people we know have or had cancer like my dad and some people don’t survive so we need everybody to donate to the American Cancer Association to help save people's lives.

Cancer is the disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in …show more content…

Every dollar everybody gives to the American Cancer association, 21 cents of that goes towards furthering their marketing efforts. So only 70 cents of everybody's dollar goes to actually helping the families with cancer. So then we can with every dollar that everybody doesn’t save, people have two choices. Donate to a charity, or spend it. A charity is only obligated to spend a very small amount per year on actual charitable activity. The rest goes into funds that generate interest. They spend off of the interest. When all of you spend a dollar in the economy, it instantly has its effect on jobs, growth, etc, particularly because of the “multiplier effect”. So each dollar spent of the equivalent of $10 spent on the economy. That has an immediate effect in the quality of our lives: lower unemployment, greater demand for products, homes etc. And anyway, it is not like we can help everyone with cancer there are like a million people in the world with cancer. Only some people would get help when someone donates to the American Cancer Association. So to fix this we will still donate money so we can come up with a cure to help everyone with

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