America Is The Best Country

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“United States is the greatest country in the world” Many people think is a “great country” because of freedom of speech, opportunities, justice and because we are united. We are the best country because we have all these opportunities we are able to do anything we can and do because we are in America. United States is none of this we are all foolish people to believe that we have freedom , opportunities and justice. We the people don’t have the freedom not even a day. We ourself take our freedom away from us. You may ask how is this possible.If you take a look around I bet you 100% you will see someone with their phones in their hand. They are either talking,texting and taking pictures. How does this take our freedom away? We may think what we …show more content…

Tim Clemente said “ Welcome to America all of that stuff is being captured as we speak whether we know it, like it or not!” Tim clemente, former FBI who work with telecommunication firms to record every call or see other personal things and wanted people to know that we don’t have freedom.The government controls what we have, our money and freedom.“People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.”-V This is not one nation.This is not the homeland of one single nation.Everywhere you go people are segregated. You see, many African Americans only with their kind or Hispanic only with Hispanic and whites with only whites.They chose to be with their own kind because people are afraid to be with other race because they

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