Amberly: A Short Story

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Amberly’s head was throbbing now. She has had a headache for a month because her thoughts in her head were flying around ceaseless. She took a glimpse at her reflection in the mirror and reached out to touch the image of herself. A tear steadily rolled down her rosy cheek as the thoughts of making a choice between her brother and best friend. Amberly lived two lives. Everyone in Red Creek did. Her life in Red Creek was utopian. She lived in a lavish, stunning school, was at the top of her classes, spent all her free time with her best friend Caesar, and was soon going to be graduating and attending one of the best schools for doctors. But, every other day she would wake up in a different bed in a different town with recollection of …show more content…

He immediately got onto the ground to help her up but before he could even do that he felt a overprotecting need surge through his body and he wrapped his arms around her back. Amberly put her arms around him as she inhaled the warm vanilla scent he always had on his clothes. Now tears were just slowly rolling down her cheeks. Caesar could always calm her down no matter what was happening. After a minute or so passed they both let go of each other at the same time. Caesar put his hand up to her face and wiped away one of the spare tears. Then he rested his forehead against …show more content…

I can’t bare to leave you or Ben. I don’t know what would happen if I left Ben”, when Amberly said this she said it so fast Caesar could almost not make out what she had been saying. Amberley then reached behind her ear to tuck back the stand of hair that had fallen in front of her face. Her face felt hot and she felt uncomfortable for bothering Caesar with this sense he was part of the problem. Amberly shouldn’t have said anything, for now she was scared Caesar was going to be furious with her for not being sure of choosing him after he had chosen her without any doubt. Caesar felt a little lost, he thought Amberly had made her decision. He was suddenly struck with a sense of pain and almost a sense of loneliness. He knew he would do anything to stay with Amberly, it just never really occurred to him she wasn’t completely set on her decision on choosing him. Now ideas were flying through Caesars mind. What if she chooses to stay and regrets it? What will he ever do if she leaves? Have her feelings changed recently to make her to not choose him? Caesar shut off his thoughts. This was about Amberly, not him. But, he couldn’t help but to be thrown off by

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