Amazon Deforestation Speech

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Hello class welcome to my speech today i will be saying why we should not be cutting down so many trees in the amazon.If you don't know what i mean it is called deforestation well since we are talking about the biggest forest in the world amazon deforestation.

First of all you may ask why do we cut these trees. We cut down trees because we sell it to people, we use it as fuel,we also cut down lots of them to make flat land so we can make communities.
We also use it to make paper and homes .Sometimes people illegally cut them down to make money and to steal.The most popular one is cattle ranching cattle ranching is where we cut down trees make land and keep cattles their so we can grow them, with fresh grass and when …show more content…

‘If you could follow a molecule of water you would see that most of the clouds that are over São Paulo have passed across the Amazon’.‘If the forest is cut, we’ll be in trouble’’.Since the amazon is making Sao Paulo lose water in the future the drought of Sao Paulo will affect other countries/cities which will affect more and more.

If it affects so many places everyone will be doomed and we will have place to live. Seventy percent of the earth's land and animals live in rainforests most of it the Amazon. Most of our exotic animals we have today will soon be extinct if we cut down all of the Amazon and other rainforests.The Amazon alone is vanishing at a rate of 20,000 square miles a year imagine how much land that is.Mississauga itself is only 112.9 square miles so one year of deforestation of the amazon is 177.147918 times bigger than Mississauga itself.It is basically the size of contiguous United

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