Alwin Lewis Five Bite Diet Analysis

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Obesity doctor Alwin Lewis’ “Five Bite” diet promises that it will help people to lose up to 15 pounds in a single week. Dr. Lewis’ diet requires the patient/person to skip breakfast and only eat five bites of whatever food they are eating for lunch and dinner. The person may not drink beverages with calories, the person must consume a multivitamin, and also ensure that there is protein in the 10 bite a day diet. The main appeal of the diet is that the person is allowed to eat any food she or he desires, as long as it's strictly five bites per meal. The Five Bite Diet’s origins can be found in the assigned meal regimens of gastric bypass patients post surgery. Dr. Lewis observed gastric bypass patients’ post surgery diets that limited them to five bites per meal. Lewis tried this on himself and saw positive results and then tried it on patients and saw positive results. This diet is extremely casual and convenient, it can be marketed towards various different groups of people. The trade off that comes with the Five Bite diet being easily marketable is that it is also easily mistaken as scientifically proven or backed. Dr. Lewis’ diet gained a lot of publicity after he appeared on the Doctor Oz show to discuss it.
There are no specific food groups or nutrient …show more content…

Alwin Lewis’ Five Bite Diet as a option for weight loss or improved health is a terrible, misinformed decision. If any family or friends I knew wanted to lose weight or get healthier and were thinking about trying the Five Bite Diet I would stop them from doing so. I would not recommend the Five Bite diet to anyone. This diet is the product of a doctor who observed gastric bypass patients’ meals and applied it to regular healthy people. This diet requires entirely too much self discipline and promotes food waste. The strong willed people who endure the diet’s ten bite restriction will end up having a deficiency for multiple vitamins and minerals, which will have major consequences for the

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