Alternatives for a Teenager to Spend Money

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Problem: The current problem now is finding out something useful to do with my money. When it comes to spending the money i would rather find a better way to spend it. I usually use it in food that last’s only 3 minutes. I would rather use it in something more useful and priceless if i can. I need to find a way to use the money in a more economy contributing way; or even in a donating/helping others type of way.

Alternatives #1: Buy Low-Priced Stocks

Some of the businesses low priced stocks sell for only $10.

Meaning you can buy 150 of these stocks making it really profitable for you in this case. Or you can mix and match different companies to have a better chance of profiting a lot more. Investing in a short enterprise with less money means investing on more, giving you more of a chance to increase your investment bill. I spending little on many companies will be better played than spending a big check on one company alone.

Alternatives #2: Invest In Your future/ Saving for College

The best way to spend $1,500 is on your future spend the money to a better life. Why not learn about the guides to investing than going full-throttle into a unknown world.

Your chance of making it in the economy of investing will be short lived. Why not invest of a back-up plan on college or a university and get a degree. Thus, later on if stuff doesn’t work out you can always bid in your education for help when rough times are around the corner. Im going to save my money in a high interest saving bank.

Alternatives #3:Blow The Money

I would spend my money on many things. First of i would start on spending it on family of course. I would take the family out to somewhere local ( no air flights); We would get a meal and have fun at an amusement park or theatre. Then i would spend the rest on me, i would do me for an entire night. I’d have a Spa,Acupuncture-Massage. I would take good care of me with the money, if it’s going to be wasted why not treat myself with it.

Criteria: My Criteria

I chose useful, long term ,help economy,and help others these alternatives should be directly proportional the benefits each has and when or when not i could use it on emergency use and increase in money or growth also my use for it now.

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