Alternative Medicine Essay

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There is no way to know how long forms of alternative medicine have been used. Mainly because of the modern treatments scientists have discovered involving medicine. Willem De Blécourt and Cornelie Usborne, authors of Medical History, state that “different times produce different historians of medicine and differing definitions of their object of research.” What we now refer to as alternative medicine was once considered the most modern form of medicine. Author, Jacqueline Langwith, refers to alternative medicine as a “wide range of healing practices that are not considered part of conventional medicine.” Langwith also mentions in her book, Alternative Medicine, that it is widely used when doctors believe that the body will heal itself …show more content…

They were able to learn from past experiences and adapt for future survival. All animals would be able to do this on their own in nature, without the help of modern medicine. Some animals might need an advantage over the illness, but not a complete cure. This reason is why alternative medicine, such as herb remedies, would be successful when used on animals. Dr. Patrick Jones, the author of Homegrown Herbalist and owner of the Fairview Veterinary Center and the Home Again Animal Shelter here in Buhl, Id, is a practitioner of Holistic Medicine. His occupation as a practicing veterinarian has given him unique opportunities to use alternative medicine with his patients. Dr. Jones states “[Herbs] have been used for centuries to cure diseases and illness... animals have a gift for obtaining immunity against medication, but I have never had an animal obtained an immunity against herbs. Instead of responding as if the [herb] were a drug, their bodies consider them as another form of food.” Animals are less likely to grow an immunity to a herb than a drug, which is why they should be given a chance to overcome the disease without modern treatments.
While alternative medicine can help cure many things that modern medicine overlooks, it does not produce miracles. With new medical advances each year, we can cure more and more diseases, illness, and injuries. Unfortunately, just because we can create a new treatment that can cure an illness or injury, does not mean that the treatment will be perfect. There are several side effects or long-term problems that we have yet to notice. No treatment is perfect, which is why millions of dollars and hundreds of hours are spent each year trying to better today’s modern

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