All Summer In A Day Ray Bradbury

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In an dystopian future on the planet Venus, Ray Bradbury takes us on an emotional rollercoaster as we look into a classroom and their inner drama. “All Summer in a Day” by Ray Bradbury focuses on one particular student, Margot. The classroom envies Margot for one special reason: she remembers the Sun. Margot remembers everything there is to know about the Sun; so much so, her classmates are consumed with jealousy. A lesson that Ray Bradbury teaches us all in his short story is that jealousy can make people blind to their actions.

One of the biggest scenes that shows us this is when the children stuff Margot into a closet. Their jealousy of Margot’s memory makes them blind to what they are actually doing: hurting Margot. The way Ray Bradbury …show more content…

Margot stirred up this anger and rage inside her classmates by standing out. What she thought was isolation from them, was isolation from herself. Margot definitely played some part in creating the barrier between her and her classmates. For starters, she moved to Venus when she was four years old and saw the sun daily, whereas everyone else was born in Venus and last saw the sun when they were two years old. Readers can see this on page one of Bradbury’s short story, “Margot stood apart from them, from these children who could ever remember a time when there wasn’t rain and rain and rain”. The author adds emphasis on the “rain” to express how little these children ever see the sun, so much so that they must wait 7 years until they can see the sun again. In preparation for the sun, the teacher had the students write poems about the sun. Since Margot’s memory was fresher, her poem was deemed better, “I think the sun is a flower, That blooms for just one hour…’Aw, you didn’t write that!’ protested one of the boys” (1). The class’ jealousy is shown here when Margot performs her poem. They do not like the fact that she remembers the sun better than them, and is now shoving it in their faces with this fantastic

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