All In One Air Pump Essay

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“The All in One Air Pump”
Designed By: Sade’ Johnson

Mainly because I play basketball, I am aware of all the issues students’ athletes, trainers, water boys/girl and the coaches’ deal with. When it comes to playing sports a lot of equipment is needed, and when equipment is needed money is needed. The sports I am talking about deals with some type of ball that needs air pressure. The type of sports I am referring to can be basketball, volleyball, soccer, and football (Figure 1). All of those sports contain some kind of air to be placed inside of a ball. To do this we will need some form of an air pump. The price of each type of ball is over $25.00 (Figure 2). So instead of the athletic department, AAU Teams, summer leagues, etc. spending money on an air pump that temporary places air in balls; why not invest in an air pump product that does the job of all and more. Why is this air pump so different? This is an air pump that cannot be denied, it helps your pockets when budgeting …show more content…

Therefore in order to use this product you must have electricity and a needle, called a “sports inflation needle” that goes inside of the balls all-present to proceed. The needles are very thin like, they are made to fit the insertion hole of a ball and sometimes tend to break easily, I am aware. Also, these needles have to be screwed on at the end of the cord of the air pump correctly in order for the air to be placed inside of the ball. The “on and off switch” on this “Champion” product is just like any ordinary switch, press one side down for “ON” and press the opposite for “OFF”. There are different airs pressure gauges that range from different intervals so the air pressure value vary. Just a brief overview of the original product now on to my new and improve

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