Alka Seltzer Lab

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Many systematic sources of error may have occurred during this experiment leading to faulty in the collection of data, overall result and outcome of the experiment. One example of this is the age of each Alka-Seltzer tablet. If one Alka-Seltzer had been older than another, the amount of time it took for each tablet to react to the water would be different. Specifically, the older tablets would most likely take a longer time to the react to the water because they were more stale than the newer tablets that would be more fresh. This systematic error could have been avoided by making sure all the tablets came from a fresh new box and not different boxes. To be even more accurate, check the date on the back of the box to make sure all the tablets were made at the same time and that they were all recently made. …show more content…

Another example of a systematic error that might have taken place during this experiment could have been that the room temperature water could have been in flux due to the fact that the temperature of the room may not have been constant and therefore the temperature of the room temperature water could have changed. This error could have been prevented by making sure that there were no occasional blasts of cold or warm air coming into the room that the experiment would be taking place

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