Alienation In Sociology

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Many companies offer temporary paid jobs to youth for summer employment, although it is beneficial to the youth workers, some companies may take advantage of them. In many ways, these companies made youth employees feel overwhelmed, underpaid, and unfairly treated. Through personal experiences, while being a youth worker for two amusement parks as previous summer jobs, I felt overwhelmed, had less time to do social activities, and underpaid. The study of sociology exposes to individuals of the unique way of seeing the social world. Going more into depth with the aspect of sociology, we are able to see the relationships between individuals and the larger society in which we live in. There are many theories and concepts that can relate to many …show more content…

51). Youth workers will start to feel this way with their other co-workers and become aware of what is happening in the workplace. Many employees who have higher hierarchy or are older of age will get certain benefits than those who are below. Youths will start to feel alienated within in the workplace where they are treated with lesser value and are exploited in the workplace. The workplace is a place of alienation where workers do not have control over what they produce (Bradford, 2012, p. 5). This means that workers are getting paid substantially less compared to the revenue the owner is gaining. Many major companies exploit their workers and do not pay the workers the proper wages they should be earning. When it comes to youth workers’ minimum wage, they are earning a wage that lower than other co-workers who are working the same position. This is called conflict theory, which Marx explains that individuals are reaching their fullest potential through their labour work, but are alienated and cannot achieve in the workplace environment. Theorist, Emile Durkheim created the term anomie, which is defined as in the textbook as, “is a state of normlessness that results

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