Alienation In Marx's View On Society And Society

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However, he also believed that religion in fact alienates society from reality and it is used to mask life to make it seem more endurable. Marx theorised that class orientated society workers are those who have been denied access to the results of their hard work which is then taken from them and given to someone else, resulting to them becoming alienated, Marx calls this the first type of alienation. The second is alienation from productive activity, this is workers only working to survive, the third type is alienation from the human species, where the workers perform less and less like humans, this is because they are forced to work like animals. The final type of alienation, is being alienation from fellow humans and the community. According Because of this, Marx thought to believe that society and its individuals would not live to their full potential, as a result of this they aren’t truly happy, as they are being tricked by religious teachings to believe that they should be happy and grateful for their lives. Marx theorised that the solution to alienation would be society and individuals cutting themselves off from God which would then allow them to see what reality is really Durkheim thought that society had a social structure, where this structure existed above the level of the individual. As the values and norms already existed in society before individuals were born into it. Durkheim believed that individuals behaviours was shaped by this system, as he suggests that religion creates this social structure and the norms and values. This results to religion providing social cohesion to help maintain social solidarity through the shared beliefs and behaviours that individuals are born into, and that social control would help enforce religious moral and norms to help keep social conformity. However, Durkheim thought that people were naturally selfish and looked out for themselves as they were biologically determined to be this way, resulting to society having to control these natural

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