Alice Walker's Beauty: When The Other Dancer Is The Self

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In Alice Walker’s, “Beauty: When the Other Dancer Is the Self”, Walker’s collection of essays story, she writes about her memories of growing up, leading to her accident and its consequences. Her family’s money problems, also caused the family to have health, transportation, and clothing problems. But underlying her early life, and contributing importantly to her disability was poverty. One type of financial problem the Walker family would have likely had is not being able to pay to take care of their health. The family would have not been able to pay for a doctor, a dentist, or for medicine. They would have likely dealt with this by finding a doctor and dentist that they can trade services with, or by taking care of the problem at home. When delivering a baby, the Walker family couldn’t afford going to the emergency room, so they would have delivered the baby at home. Instead of going to a dentist to remove a loose tooth, they would have removed the loose tooth at home by tying the tooth to the door with a string and pulling the door to remove the tooth. The Walker family would likely have dealt with …show more content…

They couldn’t afford to pay for a train, taxi, or school bus, and they couldn’t afford their own car. They would have likely dealt with this problem by having the children walk to school, and home from school. To get to places farther away, they would likely have tried to get a ride from a stranger by hitchhiking. To get groceries from the store the Walker family would likely have walked to the store or carpooled with a friend to the store when they went to get groceries. The Walker family might not have bought all their groceries from the store they could have grown their own crops at home and made food from those crops. For special occasions the family would likely have used Miss Mey’s Car if she allowed

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