Alexandra Smith: The Murder Of John Wilkes Booth

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Alexandra Smith a 25 year-old, killed John Wilkes Booth on the 14th of April at approximately 10:25 p.m., saving the president, Abraham Linkin. Smith was playing a performer on the stage of the theatre that Linkin and his wife were attending. With them was 28 year-old Major Henry R. Rathbone and his fiancée, Clara Harris. When Smith saw the assassin was about to shoot Linkin, she reportedly flung three daggers from the stage at Booth. One knocking his gun out of his hand and the other two sinking into his chest. Smith was born on November 13, 1840 in Virginia. Smith claims that her father taught her how to protect herself and others using weapons. He also taught her to think and react quickly in difficult situations. Rathbone was good friends

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