Alexander The Great Biography

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Alexander The Great Biography Alexander the Great was an cunning and brilliant ancient Macedonian ruler who was born in Pella, Macedonia in 356 B.C. his father was King Philip the 2nd and his mother was Queen Olympias. Alexander came to be one of history's greatest military leaders in the history. Even being taught and influenced by the greatest western philosopher Aristotle. Alexander was never once defeated in battle throughout his life. He would come to build one of the greatest and largest empires of the ancient world founding up to 70 cities in his name and expanding his own territories through Greece into the Asia minor by the age of 20. At the age of 16 his father Phillip left him in charge of Macedonia while he was away battling the Byzantium's. In 338 B.C.while Phillip the 2nd was still away at war Alexander without his father's permission lead a cavalry against the Sacred Band of Thebes. He did this in an effort to prove himself in which rightfully he did so by decimating the army, he did this at the age of 18,this is what would come influence to further his military expeditions through the rest of his life. In 336 B.C. when Alexander ascended to the throne he was just 20 years old. As he claimed his throne he crushed many rebellions throughout greece once even destroying the entire city of Thebes just to prove a …show more content…

HIs army crossed the Hellespont a narrow strait near the Aegean and Marmara sea where he met an enemy force consisting of Persian troops and Greek mercenaries. This was to be the 1st battle of his military battles in the Asia minor it would result in a victory for Alexander. From there on he moved his army to Gordium where they stayed the winter to rest. When summer came he marched his army to Issus to meet Darius troops again as the to waring armies clashed alexander emerged victorious capturing Darius after the

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