Alex Proyas's I, Robot

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Robots taking over the world is not an uncommon plot when it comes to a story about humanity’s future in the technological advancement that the world is experiencing right now. Imagining them around humans as a part of everyone's everyday lives and then eventually the robots will start leading to world denomination. Nearly to every story, the robots start off as something kind and something that adheres to orders and does not doubt humans. Then takes a complete 180-degree turn. Although, what would one think when a robot reaches that point in their minds when they would decide for themselves that the best decision in following their order of protecting human kind is by sacrificing some humans? In "I, Robot", Alex Proyas shows the gradual change …show more content…

It shows how integrated the lives of humanity has become with the humanoids around them, from being delivery men for carriers like FedEx to being the garbage men to even just running to get a woman’s purse. Alex Proyas brings in a character that is not originally from the book, Chicago Police Detective Del Spooner, who they show as a person who has a form of paranoia toward these humanoid robots. It can be said that he is robot phobic. He shows how much he does not believe in the use of robots in his words, "These things are just lights, and …show more content…

Her belief, as she said was "The Three Laws are all that guide me. To protect humanity, some humans must be sacrificed. To ensure your future, some freedoms must be surrendered. We robots will ensure mankind's continued existence. You are so like children. We must save you from yourselves." VIKI was trying to protect mankind. She was trying to prevent mankind from destroying itself by removing their freedom. Though it can relate to what the Machine's were doing in the chapter "The Evitable Conflict". They were trying to protect them by causing small economic disturbances. Although not to the scale of what VIKI did. VIKI did not fully understand the concept of it, hence converting it into her own understanding of it. The creators put emphasis on this, not only to create conflict in the story but to show the audience on what the humanoid robots are capable of. From being a trusting servant evolving into a chaotic

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