Aldi Supermarket's Injury

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the court held that • During lunch time, chip is usually consumed. • The injury happened at lunch time • Cleaner was hired to clean the food court during lunch time which means that the risk was increased in the sidewalk area (belong to Wooworth) which is close to the food court Similar to these two cases, Tamara can easily prove that Aldi supermarket owe her a duty of care. And Aldi supermarket should make sure that the floor is dry and safe to walk. Especially in a rainy day with a higher probability that the customer may slip. Then consider romeo v conservation commission (1998) 192 CLR 431cases for factors such as obvious risks, low probability, and high burden.  Plaintiff was drinking and walking around some cliffs which were under management of the Defendant Conservation commission. And She mistakenly walked off the cliff and seriously …show more content…

This means that the probability of harm is very small. The danger is obvious to the Plaintiff. Building a fence here and everywhere with a risk will be very expensive If Aldi supermarket can prove that no one has ever slipped in their area before even in a rainy day because of their good cleaning work, or if they can prove that running in a wet rainy day is very oblivious to cause injuries. And if Aldi supermarket can prove that in the retail industry, a reasonable supermarket will clean its floor every 40 minutes, any shorter frequency of cleaning will cause too much financial burden and no reasonable person will do that. Then the court may decide that Tamara can’t get the compensation. Consider two cases Imbree v McNeilly [2008] HCA 40 and March v (E & M) Stramare Pty Ltd (1991) 171 CLR 506. These two cases, a value judgment of common sense is needed to supplement the but for test. March v (E & M) Stramare Pty Ltd (1991) 171 CLR

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