Alcohol's Impact: Drug Assignment Paper

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Alcohol's Impact - Drug Assignment

Part A:
The drug ethanol is found in alcohol making it a depressant drug. Depressant drugs slow down a person's central nervous system and brain functions.

Consuming copious amounts of alcohol (more than four standard drinks) over a short period of time is known as binge drinking. Binge drinking and the overuse of alcohol have numerous short and long-term effects that impact on all dimensions of a person's health.

Physical: Routinely consuming vast amounts of alcohol has a disastrous effect on a person's physical health. In the short term over consumption of alcohol can dehydrate the skin, cause nausea, vomiting and headaches, another effect is severe disorientation and memory loss. Constantly abusing …show more content…

Under the influence of alcohol a person's personality can change which affects a person's social health. A person may become violent and abuse a family member or friend. Relationships and trust can be broken from one night out leading to the alcohol consumer social health being affected.

Mental: If a person's relationships have been impacted by alcohol they would be feeling down and depressed. Many people under the influence of alcohol feel happier while being drunk so they become alcohol dependent. Being unable to get through a day without a glass of alcohol severely impacts on a person's mental health. Due to their negative mindset their decision-making can also lead to their cognitive health being impacted.

Cognitive: Since alcohol is a depressant drug a person under the influence of alcohol's brain functions are slower. This can lead to bad decision making such as driving while over the legal limit. Such decision-making can lead to legal issues such as jail time or heavy fines. If a person makes numerous bad descions under the influence of alcohol they may not trust themselves to make an important descion again. This negative view of themselves leads to their spiritual health being …show more content…

A single disastrous mistake made while under the influence of alcohol can lead a person to feel out of touch with their friends and family, therefore their spiritual health being impacted.

Part B
Alcohol has numerous dangerous affects on a person's brain development. Constant alcohol abuse and binge drinking short-term effects include disorientation, memory loss, slurred speech, impaired vision, slow reactions and difficulty walking. The long-term effects of alcohol abuse on the brain are much more disastrous as they include brain damage, impaired brain development and many mental health problems. All problems associated with alcohol and misuse impacting brain functions are referred to as Alcohol Related Brain Impairment (ARBI).

Statistics show that 2 million people every year are putting themselves at risk from developing ARBI due to their dangerous drinking practices. Alcohol interferes with the communication of nerve cells by changing the actions of the two main neurotransmitters located in the brain. Neurotransmitters allow the body's cells to communicate with another but alcohol suppresses nerve pathways therefore slowing down a person's brain's

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