Alcoholism in Native American Communities

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The power to be able to fall into a trance where reality and emotions are destroyed seems attractive to minority communities. Substances such as alcohol and drugs are a popular tool abuse by young teens and adults since these materials are easy to possess. However, using a substance to fall into the trance will only be harmful to the individual and their community. Sherman Alexie, a Native American writer, experiences numerous sorrows from alcohol in his life on the reservation and outside of the reservation. He illuminates the sufferings he experience through his fiction character Junior in his novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian and interviews. In addition, reporter Diane Sawyer discovers that alcohol abuse is prevalent on a Native American reservation in her television segment A Hidden America: The Children of the Plains. Even though alcoholism is portrayed as an enemy to the Native American communities, alcohol matures Sherman Alexie to become a representative for his community since he is educating the world about Native Americans’ alcoholic problem. As a result, society can promote better habits for young individuals to adopt which will better their own and community lives.
Alcoholism becomes an enemy to Native Americans because it creates neglection. In other words, alcohol separates the parents from their offspring, which makes the children despise it. This is true in Sawyer’s video because Robert, a young Indian, despises alcohol for corrupting his mother. Robert cries to Sawyer about the pain he receives when his mother visit him: “‘She calls me [negative] names. She says, I’m not her son and all that stuff. She doesn't want to be by me anymore’” (Sawyer, A Hidden America). Robert’s heart-breaki...

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... actions wisely. Moving away from learning, society can apply these knowledge into schools and medias. As a result, classes and advertisements can portray the cons of drinking, especially to underage people. By developing these types of education, teenagers and young adults are given the knowledge about alcohol: therefore, their drinking habits will be more tolerable than those who struggle with alcohol in the past. As a result, the fear of alcoholism can slowly end and become more of a celebration drink.

Works Cited

Alexie, Sherman, Ellen Forney, and Mechthild Hesse.
Sherman Alexie, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian. Stuttgart: Klett Sprachen, 2009. Print.
Sawyer, Diane. "Children of the Plains."
YouTube. YouTube, 2020, 12 Nov. 2011. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.
"Sherman Alexie | CONVERSATIONS AT KCTS 9."
YouTube. YouTube, 12 Nov. 2008. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.

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