Alcoholic Parent Research Paper

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Effects of Children Living with Alcoholic Parent
Melinda Touvell Nearly eighteen million adults are affected by alcoholism in the U.S. according to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. (NCADD) I will be concentrating on the effects of children living with an alcoholic parent, rather than the whole family because it will help narrow the research down to one specific problem. Many children under the age of eighteen are living with at least one parent who is dependent of alcohol. These children often have to deal with stress, financial hardship, instability, neglect and violence. Unfortunately, numerous children are cheated from their childhood because of this disease. Alcohol, which is intended for adults, presents many and …show more content…

(NACOA) As a result, these kids are more likely to have emotional problems, whereas, children who are brought up in a non-alcoholic home are not at risk. These children are also four times more likely to become alcoholics themselves. Neglect or abuse may be a factor a child of an alcoholic will have to endure. Therefore, trauma can be another concern for a child, it may seem excessive to use this term, but it really is the best word to describe what the children go through. Life in an alcoholic home can be confusing, unstable, and most likely a home without rules or boundaries. Although, some may think a child is better off being neglected rather than having to deal with an argumentive or violent parent, it can be very traumatic. When a child is abused it is usually obvious, but a child living with an alcoholic parent are forced to see things and take on responsibilities that could result in PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). Dealing with PTSD as a child can be somewhat different for these children. Some may experience bed wetting, clinginess to an adult they feel safe with, and some my stop talking altogether and act out their aggression. Having this disorder can destroy a childs …show more content…

They are not capable of taking care of themselves, therefore, rely on their parents to protect them from the outside world. When children are exposed to a parent who abuses alcohol the consequences can be unhealthy and have an extraordinary impact on the child’s life. In most cases a child is brought up and shielded from negative influences, but this is not true for a child of an alcoholic. A child is neglected and becomes prone to low self-esteem, which makes it easy for them to fall victim to bad habits. Depression is another risk a child can suffer, as a result be involved in high risk behavior such as drug abuse or even develop suicidal

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