Alcohol Abuse Case Study

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This campaign will aim to change attitudes on alcohol abuse. The reason behind this campaign is because young people today do not realise how dangerous alcohol can really be, and simply regard it as something they must try. A survey compiled by Ipsos MORI Social Research Institute for Drinkaware (2013) suggests that out of 754 adolescents between the age of 10-17 years old, a staggering 60% think it is fine to try alcohol at their age (which could easily turn into a regularity), whilst 18% of them thought it was acceptable to consume alcoholic beverages regularly. These figures should be much lower, and if young people were made aware of dangers of alcohol abuse, they may change their mind about drinking alcohol from a young age.

Characteristics of the Communicator

The communicator of this message will be a young male between the age of 21-25 who is now an alcoholic due to drinking alcohol from a young age which turned into an addiction. He was expelled from Secondary school at the age of 16 due to intoxication during school hours. He was thrown out of his house at the time also a...

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