Albert Pike Biography Essay

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Albert Pike

Albert Pike had a very influential life being a journalist, soldier, Freemason, and a reporter for Arkansas Supreme Court. He also wrote some poetry. He was born on August 15, 1809 in Boston Massachusetts. He died on April 2, 1891 in Washington D.C. and was buried in Oak Hill Cemetery also in Washington D.C. Albert Pike was a Confederate Soldier and he was the only Confederate soldier who had a statue of himself.

Albert Pike started out in Byfield and Newburyport, Massachusetts where he grew up. His ancestors, including John Pike who is the founder of a city in New Jersey called Woodbridge, had started to settle there in 1635. He went to school in the area until he was 15, and then he passed entrance exams for Harvard, but eventually …show more content…

In 1846-1847 he served in the American- Mexican war, and was a Captain for USA. As well in 1861-1862 he took part in the American Civil War. In this war he was a brigadier-general for the Confederate States Army. The Independent Order of Odd Fellows promote social and personal development. He then joined the Masonic Lodge in Little Rock, AR and was elected Sovereign Grand Commander. He was very active in this organization and was remained in it for the rest of his life, which was 32 additional years. He died in 1891 and was buried against his wishes. Albert wanted to be cremated, but his remains were moved to the House of the Temple in 1944.

Albert Pike had a very influential life with the many different organizations and wars that he took part in. He has a memorial in his name in Washington D.C. and is the only Confederate soldier to have an outdoor statue. He served in the American-Mexican war and the American Civil War in which he was on the Confederate side. He also owned a newspaper company, was in The Independent Order of Odd Fellows where he was elected Sovereign Grand Commander, wrote poetry, and was a reporter for Arkansas Supreme

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