Alana Tribe

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Thousands of years ago, before there were even permanent houses or electricity, people lived from what nature provided to survive. Among a great tribe deep in the forests of New Mexico was a girl who was able to communicate with animals. Her name was Alana, and she was the daughter of the tribe leaders and highly respected among the people. Since she was considered royalty, she was very spoiled and did not know or understand many responsibilities and duties of humans. Even her friendships were not how they should be. Alana was so used to people groveling to be friends with her that she did not treat them they way they deserved to be treated. If they told her a secret in confidence she would tell everyone she talked to about it. For example, …show more content…

In a small voice she heard,” It is because you are not thinking of others first.” So Alana looked around for her mother or father because surly only they would be bold enough to make such a accusation. But as she turned around, there perched on a tree was a little blue bird. She then said to herself,” goodness I must be going mad I am hearing animals speak!”. The blue bird then responded and said,” No you’re not delusional you are the chosen one who can talk to all animals, there is only one chosen every century, but you must not tell anyone of your gift. It has been put upon you so you may protect us from hunters, and we in return shall tell you where the cocoa and wheat plants are the ripest.” Alana was flabbergasted she had known she was royalty but not this special. So she ran off without any goodbye to test out her new found ability on other animals. As she was running she came across a deer wondering in the field. Alana approached it and loudly stated I am the chosen one of the great tribe of Mahkywah if you can understand me I command you to speak now. The deer looked up and said he was trying to eat in peace and would like to be left alone. Alana then jumped up with joy and ran back to the village to tell everyone about her new found ability, not even thinking about how the blue bird said to tell no …show more content…

As she was going many her friend, zala, noticed that she had so much food and asked her how she got it. She thought about not saying, but the idea of telling someone something they didn’t know was too much and she told her. Alana thought what is the big deal anyway its only one person. Before she knew it everyone in the tribe was leaving to get their own wheat and cocoa! She had no idea that telling someone could lead to something so bad. The next day when she was in the forest blue bird came to her and told her that the villagers had taken all the food, and that there was none left for the animals. Alana sobbed and apologized over and over, but the blue bird was not impressed. He told her many of the animals would die of starvation now because of her. All the animals were so mad at her that they refused to talk to her and revoked her ability to speak with animals, and replaced it with trustworthiness. From that day on she never told anyone’s secret and learned the value of

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