Alan Soble's Definition Of Sex

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The act of sex is one that has puzzled philosophers for centuries and for good reason. It is a complicated subject that has had many different definitions and parameters throughout history. Alan Goldman holds that “sexual desire is the desire for contact with another person’s body and for the pleasure which such contact produces; sexual activity is activity which tends to fulfill such desire of the agent” (Soble, 83). Greta Christina, through her many personal experiences and multiple re-examinations of her supposed sexual encounters, does not think she or anyone else can truly define what is sex (Christina, 26-30). In a different angle, Alan Soble has difficulty producing an accurate, all-encompassing definition of masturbation, despite six attempts (79-82). These three great minds, and many …show more content…

I hold that sex should be defined as actions involving the genitalia performed with consent to all parties involved and that all masturbation is sex but not all sex is masturbation. Genitalia (primary sexual characteristics such as the vulva, clitoris, penis, testes, and prostate) is the defining factor in my definition because if an encounter does not involve at least one piece of genitalia, most people would not consider it sex. A man sensually rubbing his lover’s earlobe would not be considered sex in most societies. Neither, then, would a woman sucking on her significant other’s toe be considered sex. Both examples lack genitalia. Also for my definition, I do consider the anus to be genitalia, if only because the male prostate is best (or at least most commonly) stimulated through the anus. As such, to say the male anus is genitalia because of access to the prostate but the female anus is not because there is no similar organ is illogical, and because of the close proximity to the

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